At the #140Conf in New York City, Philip Nelson shares the story behind his latest album “Adventures from the Road”.
Thanks to Jeff Pulver and Alan Weinkrantz for making this possible!
At the #140Conf in New York City, Philip Nelson shares the story behind his latest album “Adventures from the Road”.
Thanks to Jeff Pulver and Alan Weinkrantz for making this possible!
Posted by admin in Adventures, Live Music and tagged as #140Conf, Alan Weinkrants, Jeff Pulver, Music City Roots, Philip Nelson, Taylor Guitars, Texas Lottery
Jeff Pulver is “Da Man”…. Not only is the co-founder of Vonage, VON (Video on the Net) and the 140 Conf but he was also a kickstarter back for my new album “Adventures from the Road”.. I was excited today when he posted a listening to the album shout out from Israel!
Posted by admin in Behind the Scenes and tagged as Adventures, Adventures from the Road, Jeff Pulver, Shout out, Vonage
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